Sunday, June 30, 2013

New News

Audience!! I am please to report that last week we had a record number of views... in ONE DAY! Crazy, right? I am so proud of you, my small number of followers. I take pride in knowing that somewhere, somehow, there are people who care about my random, nonsensical ramblings...

But on the other hand...

Seriously guys? Record number and then BOOM!!


Consistency is key, people. That's what my coaches (NOT life coaches) and boss have always said.

So let's try and keep up our numbers ;)

Have good days.


  1. Bling! And from nowhere it seems, one of your followers shows himself! I unfortunately can't repeatedly view your blog over and over and break the record by myself, blogger is smarter than that, but I did raise your profile views to 100+ using the same process so that's something. As far as consistency, I check when I check, I'll try harder though. Lastly, I must express something that has simply been on my mind. You ma'am are neither normal nor invisible and I demand an explanation!
    -Stalker Jarom

    1. So it was you!! I should have suspected it! And as for the name, I have had it for quite some time and I'm not about to change it, regardless of my status change ;)

    2. I fail, I can barely check to make sure I brush my teeth daily, much less feed your digital fish so they don't starve. My bad. Maybe a poke on facebook daily will help me keep your view count up.
